July 2nd, 2013
BEING CRITICAL – towards oneself, towards others and towards the world! Look at the world with critical eyes: is this the world you want to live in? Do you wish to have further incarnations in it?
In MY eyes, the world is corrupting you!
I send human souls into the world, souls with very good karma – but it is used up very quickly! I have sent to you artists, for example, souls that are extremely intelligent - they had acquired good karma and I had showered that to them because they wanted it to have.
But in this world it is quickly wasted because this world is rotten! Don’t accept it so easily, don’t take part in it!
I see the world as a danger for the souls, especially for the souls that have a good karma. They cannot save their good karma and gain further good karma! Money, power, drugs, alcohol destroy it and in the end they end up being in minus!
WE feel we have to change the EARTH otherwise you will remain in danger!
The point is that you get involved! The essential almost gets lost – if the essential was not GOD!
School education is important for the world, but self-education is more important!
One can very well work into it, into GOD’ s education: PERSEVERANCE, PATIENCE, TRUST in GOD!
And PRAYING for a change on EARTH!
Most souls accumulate bad karma, because they get involved and do what the world demands. They feel forced to do so, otherwise they don’t get through.
Learn to say no to evil, to your education which is distortion! Try to absorb GOD’ s education!
You do a lot of garden work, but a structure is missing:
How do I work into it, how much guidance do I give the plants, how much water, how much can they endure?
This is comparable with people who can no longer be on EARTH, because the original dose has become an overdose, they are sinking in that swamp!
They have no GUIDANCE because their heart is closed, they have said yes and amen to everything just because it is convenient.
When you say no, what happens within you? Only something good!
Start to say YES to GOD and NO to the world!
Try to educate yourself, no matter how old you are!
When you start to say NO – for example you are vegan now – it works! This is educating your eating habits, nutritional education!
There are many other ways you go without thinking much: behaviour, communication, thinking – those are all educational benchmarks!
Adopt these benchmarks until GOD elevates your heart – then you are getting HEART education!
But as long as you live it up to chance, you will not win!
There is only this ONE possibility – many others are exhausted! I mentioned this yesterday!
If you don’t say no to the world, then you cannot rise above the earthly level!
90% of all mankind lives at the animal level on EARTH – this is absurd!
Eating, drinking, sex, alcohol! Dependence ! They go from one dependence to the other – and we want to get away from all that!
The cause for these dependencies is that they do not live according to GOD’ s ways.
Distorted spirit – the spirit needs EDUCATION, GUIDANCE!
THIS can only be accomplished through GOD!
How can a teacher teach when he is himself at the animal level?
Those are the problems that I discussed with JESUS CHRIST and: this will disappear from EARTH! Those who live at the animal level will not be able to live!
A human soul should be able to practice fasting, and to practice abstinence!
Having DISCIPLINE, being able to say NO, not no to one’s MASTER, but to the world!
The more we look at it, the more we see chaos!
But there is room for improvement – we can correct these things!
When you start to SELF-EDUCATE at the TEMPLE ST. MAGNUS, then your heart will be elevated by your MASTER!
Everything is important, not only the practical work, but the SPIRIT and the HEART are also important!
Do not dismiss SWAMI SATHYA SAI BABA`s or JESUS CHRIST’ s words or those from SHRI MATAJI MEENA MA!
No, we are not to tackle the practical! What is coming is much more important! Otherwise we live again in a rotten world!
It is as if a machine in a factory keeps on producing and producing wrongly and nobody switches it off and says: STOP!
This it is: you have to push the button, turn off the switch!
Otherwise all your efforts, all your work does not bring about anything – it would be a prolongation, in the wrong direction!
This “mass production” has to go from this house!
Each single soul must reach out to the others and improve each other.
And no wrong thoughts should be spoken out against the MASTER!
And ask GOD to take away the wrong thoughts until I clean them – those are all processes that are going on in this house!
The HEALING of the body alone does not help, because otherwise you are still this fragile plant that cannot overcome any adversity! Be strong and do not fight against GOD, rather fight for GOD, for yourselves, not for the world!
With greed, power, wickedness and lack of love you cannot win anything, because I will prevent “world” !
I have already done MY groundwork – 86 years!
I would like to see stable souls, pure souls, souls of the HEART!
We cannot behave like in a slaughterhouse, thinking “I am GOD and the others are not” –
NO! Start to SELF- EDUCATE! Start the education of the HEART – this is the best university – the universal university!
Education of the HEART: the world is no longer needed!
I will take along each soul – and will be very happy to do so – but only those that are beginning to change!
To prevent many incarnations, we need competence and potential, a positive attitude in order to deactivate the switch!
Don’t produce wrong things, but right things! Otherwise you have a lot of waste that you have to dispose of!
Do not live for SWAMI but give a lot of importance to self-education!
Whether SWAMI is there or not – I will leave MY house often – but I wish that you SELF-EDUCATE, yourself, your environment etc, etc…
The GOLDEN AGE has a lot of promises, because master teachers, who were seldom on earth, will come to the EARTH and are already there and are serving – but they need WILLINGNESS, TRUTH and GENTLENESS!
Think a long time before your contradict GOD – your MASTER!
Do not argue with GOD – this is a waste of time, garbage! Because GOD knows everything: your past, present and future development!
Stay dynamic and as clear as crystal towards your MASTER!
This is what GOD wants from you, HEALING!
A heart that is healed, a healed spirit and a healed body, that can travel wherever and at will in the KOSMOS – PURE! HEALED!
Make no nonsense! Stay with yourself – and stay with GOD!
This is education of the HEART!
Do not crucify yourself each day and your MASTER, because this is SIN and this is also waste!
Be open to your MASTER!
But do not leave anything up to chance, this is your destiny!
Those are MY words and I wish them to appear in the homepage today!